Breast Reduction Procedure Overview
While many women seek larger breasts through breast implants, there are other women who wish to reduce the size of their breasts with breast reduction surgery. Women with oversized and drooping breasts not only are unhappy with the aesthetic appearance of their breasts, but the extra weight can result in a number of health concerns, including neck, back, and shoulder pain.
If you are considering breast reduction in Houston, Dr. Leo Lapuerta is an experienced plastic surgeon with more than two decades in the industry. He has performed over 20,000 surgical procedures, many of them focusing on the breast, such as breast augmentation in Houston. He is dedicated to providing the best care for his patients through individualized treatment plans. For the best results, you want to find a surgeon knowledgeable about the unique requirements for breast reduction. Dr. Lapuerta has the experience and expertise to help any patient make their breast reduction goals a reality.
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What is Breast Reduction Surgery?
Breast reduction surgery is all about reducing the size of the breasts to achieve the patient’s goals. For some women, it helps alleviate back pain due to the weight of the larger breasts. Breast reduction can also make it easier to fit in clothes. If you fit in one size on top and a different size on the bottom, it’s difficult to find swimsuits and other clothing to fit. You may feel self-conscious with large breasts and want to have a smaller size to draw less attention. Dr. Lapuerta takes the time to discuss your goals and reasons for the surgery to create a personalized plan that helps you reach those goals. Some women may require a beast lift in conjunction with breast reduction surgery, and in many cases, the areola will also need to be repositioned.
The Breast Reduction Procedure
When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Lapuerta for breast reduction in Houston, TX, you’ll attend a consultation before the surgery. During this meeting, Dr. Lapuerta will review your medical history and perform a physical exam to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. He will talk about anesthesia options, how long recovery will be, and what restrictions and post-op care you will need. He can provide breast surgery recovery tips to make the process easier. And just like breast augmentation with a lift, you can choose to have a lift when you reduce the size of your breasts.
Dr. Lapuerta can perform the surgery at his facility in Houston, The Plastic Surgery Institute of Southeast Texas (PSI), which is dedicated solely to plastic surgery to reduce the risk of infection and other safety concerns. He also has surgical privileges in other clinics and hospitals for the convenience of his patients. At PSI, you have a dedicated team to monitor your surgery and recovery. After the surgery, you’ll have follow-up visits to monitor the healing of the incisions. After the surgery, the team will call you to check on your progress. You’ll be limited for several days on activity and may want to take the week off from work. Rest will help with your recovery, especially in the first week.
Breast Reduction Candidates
The ideal candidate for breast reduction is any woman who wants to reduce the size of her oversized, heavy, or drooping breasts. Candidates should be in good overall health, and not have any planned weight fluctuations in the future. Women who may be planning on breastfeeding should bring any concerns up with Dr. Lapuerta, as some breast tissue may be removed that contains glandular tissue and ducts.
Patients need to go into the procedure with accurate expectations. Prior to the procedure, Dr. Lapuerta will partner with the patient to better understand exactly what it is they desire. During the surgical consultation, Dr. Lapuerta will have open communication with the patient to make sure they are on the same page, and then make a treatment plan. Once a treatment plan is decided upon, Dr. Lapuerta will clearly explain exactly what to expect before, during, and after breast reduction surgery, making sure they do not have misconceptions about any step of the process.
Breast Reduction Surgical Technique
During breast reduction surgery, surgeon skill is important, which is why it is important to only trust a plastic surgeon with an excellent reputation. In addition to minimizing breast reduction scars, there will be a focus on maintaining a healthy blood supply to the nipple areola complex. This is essential because once the nipple and areola are repositioned, blood vessels will work to reestablish blood flow in order to prevent discoloration of the nipple and loss of feeling. Excess breast tissue is generally removed through a liposuction method, and loose skin will also be surgically removed.
Breast Reduction Incision Placement
An “anchor” incision is one of the most commonly used techniques during this surgery. An incision is made around the areola, which extends down to follow the natural curve and crease of the breast. It is also referred to as a vertical “T.” Once the breast is resized and reshaped, the nipple and areola will be repositioned and then the lift will be performed so the breast sits higher on the chest. The incisions will generally include absorbable stitches on the inside of the breast. There are variations to this incision pattern that can be used depending on breast size and aesthetic goals.
What to Expect During Breast Reduction Surgery
When you meet with Dr. Lapuerta for your consultation, he will discuss the details of the procedure, show you where the incisions will be made, and discuss how much fat tissue you want removed from your breasts. The surgery is done in an outpatient setting under general anesthesia. It will take 2-4 hours to complete.
After the surgery, you may wear compression garments to reduce swelling. You can still expect some swelling and bruising over the next several days. It can take weeks for all the swelling to go down, but you’ll begin to notice results within a week or two.
The cost of the surgery varies by patient, especially considering whether they want a breast lift with the breast reduction. The average cost of a Houston breast reduction is between $7,000 and $8,500. Sometimes, health insurance providers will cover the cost of surgery if it’s performed for medical reasons, such as to alleviate back pain.
Breast Reduction Recovery
Patients should expect some bruising, swelling, and tenderness immediately following the procedure, but these side effects should subside with time. There will be some mild discomfort, and if a patient is in serious pain, it can be managed with pain medication.
For the first several weeks of breast reduction recovery, patients will be directed to wear a surgical bra or compression garment. Most patients are able to return to work within 1-2 weeks and may begin exercising after 4-6 weeks. The visible results of a breast reduction will be immediate. However, it may take 6 months or longer for nipple sensitivity to return.
Breast Reduction Scars
During breast reduction surgery, Dr. Lapuerta does everything possible to minimize the appearance of any kind of scars. However, breast reduction scars will be visible following the procedure, although they may slightly fade over time.
Breast Reduction Insurance Coverage
Because larger breasts sometimes create physical problems for women, insurance may cover a portion of breast reduction surgery. Insurance coverage does vary, thus patients should confirm with their provider as to what will or will not be covered. After the initial consultation, our office will be able to submit an official surgery recommendation letter to the insurance company to assist in gaining coverage. Our billing and insurance coordinator will work with each patient on this.
Expected Breast Reduction Cost
Each breast reduction surgery is different, so it is hard to offer a firm estimate of the cost. The average breast reduction cost with a breast lift averages between $7,000-$8,500. However, some patients do not require or want a breast lift, and if that is the case, the price will be lower. The best way to get an accurate breast reduction cost estimate is to request a consultation. During a consultation, Dr. Lapuerta will examine the patient’s breasts and medical history, and then partner with the patient to help them reach their goals. Once Dr. Lapuerta has completed his consultation and has a treatment plan, he can provide an updated breast reduction cost estimate.
To learn more or to request a consultation, contact Dr. Lapuerta today.
Recovery Time
- 1-2 Weeks
Average Procedure Time
- 2-5 Hours
Post-op Follow-up
- 1 Week
Procedure Recovery Location
- In & Outpatient