Terms of Use
Please be aware that communications through our website or via email are not encrypted, are not necessarily secure and do not constitute a secure email network under HIPAA guidelines. Use of the internet, this website or email is for your convenience only, and by using them, you consent to the Terms of Use and assume any and all risk that may be associated with unauthorized use, including any HIPAA violations that may result from their use. If you choose to contact our practice via email, you are consenting to the use of an unsecured method and understand that all replies will be sent in the same manner, which you hereby authorize and assume full and complete risk for any consequences.
By checking this box, you hereby agree to hold Leo Lapuerta, M.D., P.A., The Plastic Surgery Institute of Southeast Texas, P.A. and its physicians, staff and affiliates, harmless from any hacking or any other unauthorized use of your personal information by outside parties and release the same from any HIPAA violations which may occur as a result of your use of this site or the unsecured email network for correspondence. You also agree to receive email communication from Leo Lapuerta, M.D., P.A., The Plastic Surgery Institute of Southeast Texas, P.A. and its staff and affiliates.